Thursday, 26 June 2008

Road Nirvana

The first thing that hits me when I get back to the good old city is the tremendous increase in traffic density. To keep the above said statement from becoming literal are a few measures that every indian should take. ( Can be broadened to encompass other parts of the world as well)

"Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?" -- George Carlin
It is absolutely essential to keep a clear mind while driving, especially if you like to drive fast, to make sure that maniac on a yamaha doesn't take up the form of the divine being who also shares the same name.

Unpainted humps hiding in the dark can break a lot more than just you speed. The city's roads can surprise you with a pothhole under the least expected circumstances in perfect accordance with Murphy's law.

To dogde and survive the many encounters bad traffic can throw up, one should develop an elevated state of mind while driving, which I term road nirvana. Whilst in this state, one neither experiences joy, nor sorrow while on the road. Joy on the road is dangerous in the city as loss of joy is the cause of sorrow. So when you can never possibly derive joy while driving, there is no sorrow in its absence as well. No longer do your shake your fist at the guy honking behind you. No longer do you swear at the slowpoke in front, but try to seek the path of least resistance to cut through the road, in perfect harmony.

Hoping to stay safe on the road. 

Road Nirvana! May its tribe increase. ( 'Chin mudra held' ( Yes, this is a tribute to another blog if you are wondering))


Prufrockster said...

Lol. I, definitely, need to be trained for Road Nirvana. I'm either singing or talking to myself.

You write well.

And, thank you.

Unknown said...

Far from it myself, the heavy traffic buzz around makes a wonderful job of concealing my tune to other ears, just like the sound of splashing water in the bathroom. Ideal places for singing aloud these are. :D

Half-Light said...

We Indians do not have patience enough to follow that scheme. What surprises me is the same people who when abroad follow all rules like dogs that obey masters but when here fail to do the same. Why this difference? If only there was some way we could introduce lane discipline (I know I'm asking for too much) it would do the traffic situation a whole lot of good

Vikram said...

Yup. A little bit of discipline and we'd be way better off.

Unknown said...

@ half. Your comment reminds me of a certain incident. When I asked this guy to not litter in the campus on a few separate occasions, he ignored me stating "this is india" as if that justified his action.

Half-Light said...

Lol I told you Indians lack patience :P

Half-Light said...

And I'm sure that person is Indian. Besides that person also got fined once in the UAE for littering also, so he is not the dog i mentioned in my earlier comment :)

Unknown said...

hahaha imba!

Unknown said...

And yes. The concept of nirvana has its birth place in India, so maybe there is hope yet

bala said...

best way to drive is to shut all windows blast some speed metal on the stereo and drive as if you were on the highway to hell.thats nirvana for me.
it me.
when i tried this i knocked over a vegetable vendors cart!

Bhargav said...

It's awesome to sing while driving!!
Works for me....most of the time at least!!

But people do need to be road trained. Most Indians drive like maniacs!

Traffic seems more disciplined of late though, what with policemen at every turn and all.Even AUTODRIVERS think twice before skipping signals!!!!

Amrut said...

police maamaas at regular intervals.. that's another debatable thingy. they'l stop you to check your dl,insurance etc. But hell, sometimes they dont need a reason to collect money from people. I'm not saying that all policemen are like that, but once, after producing all the necessary documents (LL,Insurance,RC book and Emission test), i got fined 150 bucks because the head light of my gaadi dint have a black paint on the top!!! Sometimes they fine you for ridiculous reasons. God knows when he'l next say, it's my son's birthday today.. pay up 100.. !!!

Abhishek K said...

I am right now watching the euro final ass I type fernando torres scores a goal.